Go Get ‘Em

After reading a New York Times article about the atrocities committed by Hamas against Israeli women, all I have to say is simply this: ”IDF, Go get ’em.” The article is linked here, and be warned, it’s not an easy read, though it is a must read if we are going to understand what is really going on in Gaza.  

Violence towards women in war time is nothing new. Throughout history, soldiers of conquering countries and empires as well as Pirates, Buccaneers and Vikings have often had their way with the women of the conquered territory. In today’s day and age, we like to believe that civilized warfare is just that, civilized. You don’t hear of any reports of the Israelis, the Americans, British or other NATO countries using rape as another tool in their arsenal, at least not as an official weapon of war. It happens, and there are rogue units or individuals who still see the women of their enemies as simply the spoils of war. However, that is largely seen as the exception amongst the countries in the West–and most of these countries will not tolerate that behavior. And, I think in some ways, we have taken some of these raiders, the Pirates, Buccaneers and Vikings, and romanticized some of who there are. However, all of these were notorious for their pillaging, taking of slaves and, yes, raping the women of their enemies. In the Viking age, there was one common prayer throughout northern Europe: ”From the fury of the Northmen, deliver us oh Lord.” Hamas did all that, and more. Read the NY Times article; it’s absolutely brutal in its description of the atrocities faced by the Israeli women.

For me, it’s simple: Netanyahu, IDF . . . go get ’em, and don’t stop until Hamas is literally nothing more than a distant, though tragic, memory.

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